Monday, July 29, 2013

Rendezvous' opening event, 'Welcome Weary Travelers' on Wednesday August 28, has been re-scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm Read more

Chas Langelan,  Surveyors Historical Society

Greetings from Surveyors Historical Society,

We'd like to thank everyone for the outstanding response we've had to Surveyors Rendezvous 2013, which is coming up only weeks from now at historic Philadelphia. It's a very worthwhile event you shouldn't miss. There's still time to register. And if you haven't reserved your hotel room, better do so without delay. The Hyatt Regency in Philly is down to just a few rooms remaining in our group-rate 'block.' Call Hyatt's 'Hotline,' 888-421-1442 and mention Surveyors Historical Society. 

PLEASE NOTE --- IMPORTANT --- The Rendezvous' opening event, 'Welcome Weary Travelers' on Wednesday August 28, has been re-scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm, not 2 pm as previously published. This may affect travel and arrival plans. We truly apologize for any inconvenience. The hotel requested this change. Check-in time at Hyatt is 3:00 pm, and the hotel felt it was a bad idea to start our arrival party at a time when people might not be able to get into their rooms. Therefore, our traditional Rendezvous 'kick-off' gathering, the "Welcome Weary Travelers" party on Wednesday afternoon August 28, will now start at 4 pm. Please make note and plan accordingly. All other events throughout the Rendezvous remain unchanged. 

Anyone wishing to participate in the Annual SHS Swap Meet on Thursday August 29 should contact the Rendezvous 2013 Organizing Chair at 240-394-0825. Have anything you'd like to sell? Antique equipment? Old maps? There's no charge for Rendezvous Swap Meet space this year. Plenty of shaded tables will be available to display items, and 100-percent of our attendees will be present (a captive audience, in fact) but arrangements must be made in advance.

If you've already signed up for Rendezvous 2013, we thank you. If you haven't, it's not too late. There'll be great fun, hands-on activities, significant historical ceremonies, classroom instruction on subjects seldom presented, plus full educational credits. And don't forget, the only truly national surveyors conference still remaining in the United States is the SHS Rendezvous. People will be coming from all over the country and the world.

You'll learn more interesting facts about your profession --- that you never knew before --- at an SHS Rendezvous than you will at most typical conferences. Please visit for our latest brochure showing updated information. Many thanks, and we'll look for you at Philly this August.

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