Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) again seeks help from NSPS members

Since posting the announcement below in the December 17, 2014 edition of the newsletter, we have received only a few responses from surveyors willing to assist in this effort. We have, however, received quite a few comments (apparently from people who did not see the solicitation below) from people who have learned about the O*NET project from some other source, and who are concerned that the Department of Labor will establish descriptions for surveyors and surveying technicians without input from surveyors. The only way to prevent that from happening is that surveyors and survey technicians participate in the process. Please consider doing so!!

Original Announcement 

Attention professional surveyors and survey technicians:

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) again seeks help from NSPS members 

NSPS Executive Director Curt Sumner has recently been approached by the Skill Assessment Team of O*NET to again assist in a U.S. Department of Labor effort to identify occupation experts who can help to insure that occupation descriptions listed in the O*NET database are current and accurate. The two categories for which descriptions are being updated are Surveyor and Surveying Technician.

Volunteer participants identified by NSPS should have five (5) or more years of experience, or supervisory/training experience, in the respective categories for which they will provide input. Participants will be asked to complete O*NET questionnaires. The O*NET team has specifically asked that NSPS seek out current Surveying Technicians as part of the group that reviews the technician category.

Anyone interested in participating, or has staff they believe can contribute, should contact Curt at There is likely to be a time lag between the time a person volunteers and when they are contacted by O*NET. 

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