We would like to introduce the NSPS Young Surveyors Network to you!
The NSPS Young Surveyors Network is just getting its feet on the ground and we appreciate the fact that you are interested in helping, supporting and just being a part of it. We are excited to see what we can accomplish together and the benefits we will bring to the surveying profession and our future.
The NSPS Young Surveyors Network is modeled after the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Young Surveyors Network. Our aim is to establish a national network of Young Surveyors within NSPS and its affiliate organizations.
The FIG Young Surveyors Network was started by a working group created in 2006 at the Munich FIG Congress. The reason that this working group was started in the first place was to bring more young surveyors into the network in FIG and because of the age structure within the surveying community. In 2009, the working group was upgraded to a Young Surveyors Network and has been building ever since. A main focus of the group has been on networking and getting to know more people. This helps to expand our personal network, professional network and continues to entice people to be involved in the movement as we believe this is a strong motivator for many.
The NSPS Young Surveyors are defined by surveyors aged 35 years or under, students of surveying or those surveyors within 10 years of graduating from a Bachelor or Master’s Degree. Every surveyor is welcome to join to the group; however the focus is to provide support for those individuals that meet the definition.
Our first meeting was held in San Diego on April 14th and 15th, 2014. We had over 20 participants and were very encouraged by the ideas, comments and visions we were able to discuss. During these 2 days, we established our Mission, Vision and Organizational structure. We realize that these will change and evolve over time, but you have to start somewhere.
Young Surveyors Tool Kit Click Here
Stay Connected to the NSPS Young Surveyors Group!!!
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/NSPSYS
Twitter: @NSPSYoung
LinkedIn: NSPS Young Surveyors
NSPS Coordinator: Amanda.Askren@gmail.com
NSPS Liasion: Frank.Lenik@leicaus.com
Stay Connected to the FIG Young Surveyors Group!!!
FIG Young Surveyors Homepage: http://fig.net/ys/index.htm
Facebook: FIG Young Surveyors
Twitter: @FIG_Young
LinkedIn: FIG Young Surveyors Network
Email: fig.youngsurveyors@gmail.com