honor of Earle J. Fennell, ACSM President 1966-1967 and ACSM Executive Director
1968-1971, ACSM created this award to be presented for distinguished
educational contributions to the surveying and mapping profession. Persons
who have worked in any aspect of surveying and mapping education may be
nominated. The nominee may or may not be a professional educator, but should
have a sustained record of superior performance in surveying and mapping
education for more than ten years at the local, state, or national level.
to the ACSM/NSPS merger, NSPS continues the tradition of presenting this award
seven (7) member judging committee has decided that the 2015 award should go to
two equally qualified, and deserving, candidates. They are John J. Doody,
LS/PE, long-time educator in Connecticut (currently serving as part-time
faculty at Central Connecticut State University), and Kurt B. Wurm, Ph.D.,
P.L.S., Associate Professor –Surveying Engineering, New Mexico State
extends its congratulations and sincere appreciation to John (Jay) and Kurt.