Thursday, January 29, 2015

ALTA/ACSM Question

Under No. 7 Certification (2011 standards) is a blue wet ink signature required? Is digital being accepted with recorded "Digital Certificate".  Also a seal appears to be required.  However, Minnesota, from what little I can find, appears vague on the seal requirement. Are any of these questions decided per state?  Thank you.

Some states require a 'wet' signature; ALTA/ACSM does not. There is at least one state (NY) where the law says a survey is not valid unless there is an original signature (in some color of ink, as I recall). ALTA/ACSM do not require an original signature.

I was unaware that any state was vague on use of a seal, but ALTA/ACSM expects one. How it is applied is, again, a function of state law and/or surveyor preference.

The manner and nature of digital delivery is also controlled by state law and/or the individual surveyor's preference. All ALTA/ACSM is saying is that digital delivery of a Land Title Survey is fine with ALTA and NSPS. The same would go with a digital signature - whatever state law proscribes, and the surveyor is comfortable with. 

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